8 Ways to Create a Modern Conference Room
If your conference room resembles that in 1999’s Office Space, you might want to think about an upgrade. 8 ways to modernize your conference rooms Trust us, 2017 is a far cry from 1999. Back then a modern conference room typically sported an overhead projector, a...
Give Your Legacy Devices a Leg-Up with Wireless Display
We are delighted to announce the availability of the ScreenBeam USB Transmitter 2! ScreenBeam USB Transmitter 2 enables legacy devices to connect to ScreenBeam wireless display receivers, so organizations and schools can optimize their current technology and take...
4 Tips to Spark Creativity in the Conference Room
Meetings are a necessary evil in the workplace. Necessary, for the collaboration between people and the cohesiveness needed to maintain strong teams. Evil, for the time wasted on poor planning and disengaged employees. At ScreenBeam, we take meeting management very...
4 Presentation Styles for Better Audience Engagement
Have you ever given a presentation and lost your audience within the first few minutes? You’re not alone. There are lots of reasons why this happens. I imagine many of you, for example, have suffered through a class or meeting where the presenter...