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I am continually amazed at how technology has transformed the educational experience.  Teachers have access to more digital learning tools, enabling them to teach using educational applications, streaming videos, and even live chats with other learners across the globe.

But with the advent of technology, teachers have lost something truly valuable: freedom of movement in the classroom.  Instead, teachers find themselves tethered to the front of the room while they are teaching a lesson, because the computer they are using must be plugged into to a display or a projector.  That means that they can’t wander the room during a lesson, monitoring student progress, encouraging collaboration and interactivity with students.

Wireless display solves for that.  Now, teachers can freely move around the classroom while presenting lessons.  I invite you to view this video if you’d like to learn how.

And please feel free to leave a comment.  I’d like hear your thoughts and experiences.


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